I have an unhealthy obsession with ‘breakfast for dinner’. Most nights there is nothing I want more for dinner than a giant cheesy omelette or a bowl of scrambled eggs. My Love usually poo-poos my suggestion and whips up something wholesome and full of vegetables instead. But he’s away. And you know what they say about the mouse…
The mouse will eat porridge for dinner.
OK, maybe they don’t say that, but if mice had opposable thumbs they would totally cook up a big bowl of steaming porridge for dinner.
I did a little happy dance when I realised there was no one standing in the way of my evil plan* However, after living on crackers and hommus for dinner for a few days, I thought I should eat some vegetables. I also had some cream cheese left over from my Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream and just had to create this nourishing little bowl of…
Carrot cake Porridge
A big bowl of warming porridge with natural sweetness from stewed apple and currants, a lovely orange colour from the carrots; topped with thin slices of cream cheese, coconut, and some crunchy roasted nuts and seeds.
Just like carrot cake in a bowl. Only healthy.
It takes a little longer than regular porridge but a lot less time than an average dinner. It also feels kinda cheeky to tuck into porridge for dinner. I am a little stumped on a wine match though.
*In the grand scheme of evil plans this probably rates as ‘not terribly evil’.

- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 3/4 cup boiling water
- 1 heaped Tbsp currants or sultanas + extra for topping
- 1 small carrot
- 1/2 apple
- 1/4 cup milk (plus extra if required)
- 1/4-1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1-2 pinches mixed spice
- 2 Tbsp walnuts
- 1 Tbsp pepitas
- 2 thin slices of cream cheese
- Desiccated coconut (for sprinkling)
- Maple Syrup (optional)
- Place oats, currants and boiling water in a saucepan and set aside to soak.
- Turn oven to 200C, place nuts and pepitas on a baking tray and bake for 1bout 10 minutes (no need to preheat oven)
- Cut 2 thin slices of cream cheese and set aside
- Finely grate carrot
- Peel and finely chop apple
- Add apple, carrot and milk to saucepan and place over low heat
- Stir porridge regularly for 5-10 minutes until creamy and apple is tender. Add a little extra milk if required.
- Add spices and stir well. Sweeten if required.
- Pour porridge into bowl
- Top with cream cheese, nuts, pepitas, extra currants, and sprinkle with coconut.
- Nut or other milks can be substituted.
- I love cinnamon and missed spice so the larger quantities listed give quite a strong flavour.
I’m glad no-one got in the way of your evil plan Nicole…this is a cool idea. I made a carrot cake yesterday so there is some type of universal intelligence going on with me reading your post 🙂
I love it when the cat is away because I can watch my “garbage shows” and eat stupidly healthy vegan food.
Carrot Cake Porridge is a great idea.
I have porridge everyday in Winter and it can get a little boring. I especially love the look of the crunchy nutty bits!
Cheers, Louise @ Willunga Wino
This sounds oats so good, what a wonderful combination of flavours, and textures I might add. I think you would love the zucchini oats (AKA zoats) over at Pretty Wee Things, they’d be right up your eat street!
Genius idea Nicole, totally going to try your recipe when autumn rolls round again here in the uk! X
All sensible meal ideas go out of the window when my boyfriends not here. This is such a great idea Nicole I love the sound of carrot cake porridge.
This sounds familiar! I definitely have my “breakfast for every meal” and “crackers and hummus” days. This sounds delicious. I love porridge and I really love carrot cake. I would definitely love a fusion of the two! I had a carrot cake gelato a while ago that was life changing!
I’m thinking a dessert wine would go pretty well with this!
Yes please. Just to everything really: breakfast for dinner, cakey porridge, the works.
M x