Four years ago today, my beat-up old Nissan Pulsar jiggled and slid its way through Melbourne’s cobbled, tram-tracked streets for the first time. The city I had fallen in love with in 2004 and visited many times since was now my home and I was so damned excited. But cities lose their magic when you […] Read more…
If yours is one of the many wonderful blogs I read, I must apologise for my comments of late being a bit ‘woe is me’. I am fronting up to my next major exam (fortified wines) and have had a heck of a lot of stress at work, all at the same time. I am […] Read more…
You have eaten well all week: avoided sugar, drunk sludgy odd-coloured smoothies for breakfast, lunched on salads and even cut back on the booze; but it’s Sunday night and you are just hankering for something sweet. There’s a packet of Tim Tams in the cupboard, but you know that if you open it you will […] Read more…
It was a disaster. I had quickly etched out a shopping list as I ran out of the house but forgot to note the quantities. As I stood in front of the cream cheese, I couldn’t remember how many blocks the recipe called for. At $4 a block I decided that $12 worth of cream […] Read more…
Lebanese bread, piled high with falafel balls from the local kebab shop and chunks of labneh from the local deli got me through a very tough time. Five years ago I was living in West End (Brisbane) and was coming out of the breakup of a massive relationship- the breakup wasn’t massive, it was all […] Read more…