Month: December 2018

Chocolate Whisky Balls

It is a very ballsy time of year. In so many ways. It takes balls to do Christmas (family politics, pre-Christmas traffic, shopping centres – yikes!), we hang balls on trees, hold balls, play with balls, and make balls. For 24 weeks of the year baking urges result in cakes, biscuits, slices. But then 2 […] Read more…

cinnamon shortbread cookies with creamy cherry filling

Cherry Spice Melting Moments

After a week of unexpected torrential downpours and flash flooding in Melbourne, a morning of cherry picking felt like a brave move. Armed with raincoats, umbrellas and gum boots we ventured out into the orchards. My initial objective was to fill my bucket as quickly as possible and hit the cafe for ice cream. But […] Read more…

The C Word

Champagne. The elixir that launches ships, elevates celebrations and is perfectly acceptable to drink anytime of day. Australians love it, with per-head consumption at 5th in the world – impressive given that the top four countries are France and her closest neighbours. However, a lot of what we call ‘Champagne’ actually isn’t. Stand at a […] Read more…