Month: August 2015

Caramelised onion turkey sausage roll, turkey sausage roll, caramelised onion, cheese, brie, rough pastry, homemade pastry, easy homemade pastry, recipe, sausage roll recipe

Caramelised Onion and Turkey Sausage Rolls

We all have a few foods that speak to us of our childhood. They are not necessarily the things we eat today. Your tastes may have changed. You might have given up trying to replicate the magic your Nanna/Nona/Nummy used to create. Or maybe you just can’t bring yourself to eat the crap you used […] Read more…

hackit, mince meat, kitchen utensil, hackie australia, mince, break up mince

Hackit – The Three Course Meal Challenge

I am a quite a hack in the kitchen. I have no real class or style. I rarely use recipes, and when I do, I consider them a rough guide. I have as many failures as I have successes, possibly more.  A regular pre-dinner conversation in my house goes like this: Him: What are we […] Read more…